Well said Yerusalem! These radical Arab terrorists hate us because they view us as the antithesis of Islam. Their fervor is based in bastardized concepts of the Koran. Capitalism and wealth are the impetus to enlightenment and this is counter to the intellectual enslavement desired by these nutbag Mullahs. Our support of Israel is simply a convenient facade for their despicable actions. The women in this country and other civilized European countries arn't treated like livestock. Our children aren't living in caves with no formal education and minimal food.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
Taliban - Resistence is FUTILE !
by Amazing inthe following appeared on cnn today.
it is like something the klingon empire or the borg from star trek might say.
the us military is broadcasting all over afghanistan the following message - i believe on all frequencies.
Was Jehovah originally a volcano?
by Mindchild infor a change of pace, i thought some of you good folks might enjoy reading a speculative article about the evolution of the modern jehovah.
the link is at: http://www.earth360.com/his-jehovah-java.html.
while the author of this report has some interesting thoughts on the matter, i still subscribe to julian janes theory as presented in his seminal book, "the origins of conciousness and the breakdown of the bicamerial mind," as being a more likely evolution of relgious belief.. remember not to blow your top when you read the article (snicker).
drahcir yarrum
I have done extensive research on this topic and some of the earliest sanscrit records indicate that the ancients, soon after inventing coffee, used to mill around coffee shops a great deal. In fact, they soon began to believe that without their morning coffee (java), life wasn't worth living.
After many centuries they began to associate coffee with life itself. Hence the expression "Java God". It wasn't long after that they began to visit at each others homes to have a cup of coffee and discuss Java God. I think you know the rest of the story.
Years in v. Years Out
by Billygoat ini'd like to find out how many years collectively we have acquired in the wts.
please list how many years you were/have been a jw.
please also list how many years you have been out.
drahcir yarrum
32 years in (raised in it and baptized in 1966)
20 years out (I still have flashbacks and fevers) -
An e mail to Kingdom Halls
by larc ini did a search on the term kingdom halls.
i found three that had e mail addresses, so i sent them information regarding the un situation.
my final statement was: "if you think i am making this up, send me an e mail, and i will give you the details.
drahcir yarrum
I think the best way to get the UN information to the individual Kingdom Halls is to nail it to the front door ala Martin Luther. Or you could have copies dropped on from an airplane as they exit their Sunday brainwashing sessions.
Where's my medication?
Free speech arguments where we least expect them.
by nicolaou inoriginal link: .
who will be the one to draw the line?
drahcir yarrum
I'm not satisfied that this issue of permits restricts free speech at all. No more so than obtaining a permit to have a large gathering anywhere is restrictive. As long as the result is simply to inform the authorities for legitimate policing and safety activities.
A community has a right to know who is personally visiting door to door. It is part of their responsibilty to protect citizens from danger, fraud and theft.
As I understand the law being challenged, there is no denial to canvass involved. Simply a formality of registering in advance informing the authorities of ones presence.
There are a growing number of restricted access residential communities in the U.S. prohibiting canvassing of any type. Will the Supreme Court by extension demand that canvassers be granted free access in gated communities?
My past weekend
by Leander insaturday afternoon i made the decision to step down as a minsterial servant.
i had given it a lot of thought and i came to the conclusion that i would be doing the right thing.
i told my wife about the decision i had planned on making and that basically killed her mood for the rest of the day.
drahcir yarrum
Continue to do your research and you will arrive at the right decision at the right time. Do not give the benefit of the doubt to either those who say you should stay or those who say you should leave. Make the right decision based on what ultimately makes sense to you.
This is the way the world ends
by bboyneko inlondon (reuters) - the human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space, top british scientist stephen hawking warned on tuesday.
hawking's comments came as the united states teetered on the brink of panic over possible germ warfare after anthrax-laced letters were delivered in the capital washington and the states of new york, nevada and florida.
"i don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space.
drahcir yarrum
The last I heard, the nearest suspected habitable planet was at least thousands of light years away. Transportation could be a problem. DUH!
Why not just do drugs and believe that you are on a different planet?
JW Argument to the Supreme Court
by drahcir yarrum inas i understand the issue to be argued before the supreme court by the wts, municipalities requiring door to door canvassers of any religion to register in advance with the authorities would violate the u.s. constitution's guarantee of the free practice of religion in anonymity.
i'm not saying "anonymity" is a good thing or a bad thing, but i've never seen it literally stated as a right or hinted as a right in the constitution.
we have rights against illegal search and seizure, which have been lumped under a "right of privacy" umbrella.
drahcir yarrum
As I understand the issue to be argued before the Supreme Court by the WTS, municipalities requiring door to door canvassers of any religion to register in advance with the authorities would violate the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of the free practice of religion in anonymity. I'm not saying "anonymity" is a good thing or a bad thing, but I've never seen it literally stated as a right or hinted as a right in the Constitution.
We have rights against illegal search and seizure, which have been lumped under a "right of privacy" umbrella. But it seems a legal stretch to extend this to door to door canvassing or door to door preaching. Registering ones activities with the municipality for the safety and security of it's citizens would seem to be non-intrusive, non-restrictive and of minor inconvenience to the Witnesses. As much as the Witnesses have, in the past, promoted the right of free exercise of religion through court cases, I think they are wrong on this one. Just my opinion.
Do I Have a ProblemWith. . . You Know What?
by drahcir yarrum inlast night i awoke from a restless sleep.
it was probably around three in the morning.
i heard the patio furniture moving around and thought we might be having some wind gusts.
drahcir yarrum
Back in the 80's I was informed by a JW woman that the Smurfs were viewed as demonic by those in the WTS. While I never saw a written pronouncement from the borg I did think it quite amusing that all of the little children were being led to Satan by a cartoon character.
Maybe someone else more involved as a JW at the time can confirm this.
Do I Have a ProblemWith. . . You Know What?
by drahcir yarrum inlast night i awoke from a restless sleep.
it was probably around three in the morning.
i heard the patio furniture moving around and thought we might be having some wind gusts.
drahcir yarrum
Last night I awoke from a restless sleep. It was probably around three in the morning. I heard the patio furniture moving around and thought we might be having some wind gusts. I decided to check it out for myself.
To my surprise, sitting next to the pool, smoking a cigar was Papa Smurf. I was frightened at first, but he quickly tried to calm me and invited me to join him. He asked me if I had a beer, so I got us both a Corona with lime. To my surprise I found Pops Smurf to be much friendlier than he appears on TV. He even gave me a couple of tips on my golf swing. As I went inside the house about 4 AM, I invited him to stay, but alas when I got out of bed this morning he had gone.
Oh yeah, something interesting he did tell me was, if you have any of the old kingdom song LP's and play them backwards, you can hear Judge Rutherford reciting the U.N. charter.